When it comes to the strange and supernatural, we all know that Louisiana is a hotbed of odd and unexplainable things. According to a new list, apparently, there's nothing spooky or odd going on here at all.

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States With The Most Ghost Or UFO Sightings

The folks at greatlakestakes.com have done some digging, analyzing the number of UFO and ghost sightings in all 50 states as reported by the National UFO Reporting Center and Ghosts of America.

According to data collected, the unofficial "UFO Capital of the U.S." is California, racking up 15,072 sightings to date.

Right behind California is Florida (7,513), Washington (6,720), Texas (5,631), and New York (5,403).

Ok, so Louisiana isn't really known for being a hotbed of UFO activity.




But, when it comes to ghosts and supernatural activity, Louisiana has to be number one on the list right?

Actually, according to GreatLakesStakes.com, Louisiana isn't even in the top 5 of states where you're most likely to see a ghost.

According to GreatLakesStakes.com, Louisiana is last on the list.

From GreatLakesStakes.com -

"Combining overall UFO and ghost sighting data since records began, and taking population into account, the state with the highest chance of supernatural sightings is Maine, with odds of just +71,900.

With massive odds of +264,400, Louisiana is the state you’re least likely to experience the supernatural."

Supernatural as defined in this study is the combination of reported UFO and ghost sightings.

Louisiana is dead last on this list.

The list represents someone's odds of having a supernatural experience based on reported experiences versus the state's population.

Now, could it be Louisiana is last on this because we're just so used to seeing ghosts and other supernatural things that we don't report it to any official organizations?

According to GreatLakesStakes.com, to date Louisiana officially 1,030 UFO sightings, 760 ghost sightings, and 1,746 reported sightings of the supernatural.

Again, those numbers put Louisiana last on the list.

You can read more over at GreatLakesStakes.com.



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