More and more Louisiana residents are getting vaccinated against COVID-19 every day. While that is good news on the virus mitigation there are concerns over who is getting the first jabs. I think we are all in agreement that frontline healthcare workers should have a top priority. But after that, the priority rankings leave a lot to be desired.

Larry Carter, President of the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, believes that educators should be ranked at a much higher priority than they are now. Carter along with State Senator Cleo Fields has written Governor John Bel Edwards asking that Louisiana take a page from other state's vaccination protocols and move teachers up in the pecking order.

You can see a copy of that letter, here.

As more and more of our state's schools transition out of virtual and online learning into more and more in-person classes, keeping our teachers safe is going to become a priority, if it isn't one already. I think vaccinating teachers will also add to the stability of the learning platform. It can't be good for students to go to class in-person one day and then do virtual learning the next, and then move back to in-person with very little notice.

Another thing to consider is that many educators are older, but not quite at the 65-year-old threshold that was announced to begin today. Still, I agree with Mr. Carter and Senator Fields, we really need to look at educators as frontline workers. Because if kids can't go to school, then mom or dad has to stay home and they can't go to work. This adds even more confusion to our recovery from the virus.

Hopefully, an increase in vaccination locations and available doses will soon have everyone vaccinated that wants to be vaccinated. I certainly think educators should be placed in a higher priority tier than prisoners or smokers. They wouldn't do that, would they? Hmm, go check for yourself. Y'all they want to put disc jockeys ahead of teachers. Something is very wrong with this plan.

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