Louisiana Love Tips – 10 Tricks to Becoming a Better Lover
Sticky and steamy are words that we know well in our Louisiana vocabulary. Unfortunately, for most of us, the sticky and steamy refer to what's going on with the weather outside and not so much about what is going on behind closed doors.
And we all want to be known for our "behind closed doors" abilities. Nobody wants to be thought of as average in that department, and no that's not just for men. All of us have the desire to be desired and that certainly shows up when the lights go down.
How we handle ourselves in certain interpersonal relationships will go a long way in determining if that relationship will stand the test of time or at least if there will be a second encounter, if you know what I mean.
So, what do we need to do to improve our chances when it comes to the love we naturally crave? Obviously, there are volumes upon volumes of reference material and opinion articles that have been written on the subject of being more "loveable" to those whom you want to love you.
We've boiled down some of the best suggestions and put them in language almost anyone, even the fellas, can understand. As you read through the list you'll notice the hints focus almost as much on things you shouldn't do as it does things you should. After all, it's all about a moment, a mood, and magic.
Or if we're being honest, the kids are asleep, I think we have ten minutes. Ahh, such is the love life of those with little ones. It's all that loving that caused that you know? Anyway, take a quick trip through these tips and if you have some more to add, send them on it, we're always looking for ways to improve.
10 Simple Ways to be a Better Lover Tonight
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