If you're a mature human being in at least your 30's or older,  you've probably tried to lose weight. You've probably been told that because you're older that you will have a tougher time dropping pounds and inches because of your metabolism. According to new research from Pennington Biomedical Research Center at LSU that may not be the case.

The Pennington study, which looked at a wide range of people from ages one week to 95 years old, found that our metabolism rate is based more on our body mass than our age. The study looked at 6,600 people across 29 countries. The research seems to put to bed the myth that our metabolism slows down as we age. 

Louis Hansel via Unsplash.com
Louis Hansel via Unsplash.com

Dr. Corby Martin is the Director of Ingestive Behavior at Pennington. Dr. Martin told the Louisiana Radio Network that our metabolism is basically stable from age 20 to age 60.

We found that our metabolism really closely reflects our actual body size and more specifically our body composition which refers to the amount of muscle mass and body fat that we have

So, why is it harder for older adults to lose weight and avoid obesity than it appears to be for younger adults?

Well, when you consider body mass the younger and smaller version of ourselves, when we were children or adolescents, burns more calories per pound. Since you are physically smaller when you are younger your metabolic rate tends to keep pounds and inches off of your body.

Younger adults are usually a lot more active too. Younger adults make time for sports, recreational activities, and may have a more physically demanding job. Older citizens tend to be more sedentary in their lifestyles. A lot of that sedentary behavior is born of work responsibilities.

Austin DIstel via Unsplash.com
Austin Distel via Unsplash.com

So, what does this mean for those of us who'd like to improve our physical well-being by dropping a few pounds and inches? Well, it simply means we have to do more to see more results. It's almost a Catch-22. The less we weigh and the smaller our body mass the easier it is for our basic metabolic rate to maintain or actually decrease our size.

So if you want to lose weight, the rules still haven't changed. You'll have to monitor the fuel you put in your body. In other words, watch what you eat. You'll want to be more active than you have been, and you'll want to do that consistently. Apparently, weight loss and good health are not something you can do successfully for a few days and then take a few days off. You have to do it all the time.

Christopher Williams via Unsplash.com
Christopher Williams via Unsplash.com

And about those supplements that "increase your metabolism", you will want to check with your doctor to see if those are a good fit for you. And when it comes to food selection, you might want to start your foraging with these.

Foods You Can eat A Lot of Without Gaining Weight




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