We are in the middle of alligator hunting season here in Louisiana and we've been seeing lots of pictures on social media from local hunters and their hauls. But one video showing a massive gator captured in a northeast Louisiana lake has got most people in awe.

Nathan Gauthier posted a Facebook Live video on Wednesday from Lake St. John in Concordia Parish of a couple of hunters trying to get an alligator they harvested into their boat.

This wasn't just any ole alligator though. It was a big boy, estimated to be at least 800 pounds and 11-foot, 8 inches long.

Gauthier said the two guys struggled for two hours before eventually getting the beast into their boat.

"I'm glad this gator is gone from Lake St. John. I seen this gator last year when I was out test driving a boat. This is something I will never forget for sure. There are still some big ones out there on Lake St. John," Gauthier said in the above video.

The official weight of the alligator has not been made public, but Gauthier said in another Facebook post that the gator weighted between 800 and 1,000 pounds.

So, was this alligator a record-breaker?

The simple answer is no, but it is way bigger than most alligators.

The average adult size for a female is 8.2 feet and the average size for a male is 11.2 feet.

Exceptionally large males can reach a weight of nearly half a ton or 1,000 pounds. However, the average weight of an adult male is about 500 pounds whereas females usually go about 200 pounds.

What's the biggest alligator ever found in Louisiana?

A massive 19-foot, 2-inch alligator was killed on Marsh Island in January 1890 by Edward "Ned" McIlhenny (yes, he of the Tabasco Sauce fame). The beast was not weighed, but estimates put it around 2,000 pounds.

McIlhenny was hunting geese when he came upon the huge alligator. It was dying of old age and exposure to the cold air so he shot and killed it. McIlhenny returned the next day with two friends to try and drag it out of the water. However, due to its massive size and the marshy area, they were unable to move the animal. Instead, they measured it and left it where it was. That lack of evidence led many scientists skeptical about the actual size of the alligator.

Places to Go Tubing in Louisiana

When it's summertime in Louisiana and you need to be outside, in the water is where it's at. And while our water isn't exactly crystal clear, it still is nice to take a dip in sometimes. Here are a few of the spots around the state where you can get in the water and enjoy a leisure tubing trip down a river or creek.

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