We love celebrity sightings in Lafayette.

It's not a secret that actor Morgan Freeman is in Lafayette to film his latest movie.

So, with that said, much of Lafayette is now under a "Morgan Freeman Watch." Yes, we are all looking for the famous actor while he is in town filming.

One local restaurant may be the first to have caught a glimpse of Mr. Freeman as he elected to dine in their establishment.

Pimon Thai Restaurant recently posted the photo below and the caption seems to indicate that Freeman thoroughly enjoyed the food there.

Filming for "57 Seconds" started on April 11th and it is estimated to bring over $8 Million to the city of Lafayette.

While many positions for the movie may already be filled, if you'd like to be part of the production of this movie email your resume to 57secondssubmissions@gmail.com.

And yes, while in Lafayette, keep an eye out for Morgan Freeman and if you're lucky enough to strike up a conversation with him, welcome the iconic actor to SOuth Louisiana for all of us.

Here's the photo of Freeman in the local restaurant.


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