Boom Supersonic, the world's newest airline, guarantees to provide speed, comfort and affordability all while bringing people closer together around the world. Never since the Concord which was retired in 2003, has the world seen anything like this. The world is about to experience supersonic and hypersonic travel like never before.

It's the new-age way to travel and it will be here soon. The Boom Supersonic XB-1 and the new Overture aircraft will be like no other aircraft the world has ever seen. Traveling at twice the speed of current conventional aircraft of today.

The supersonic Overture aircraft is a new generation of airliners. The Overture will be the world's fastest airplane in the world. Passengers will get from New York to London in just 3:30 hours, Los Angeles to Sydney in 8 hours and San Fransico to Tokyo in 6 hours. The ultimate goal of the new Boom Supersonic airline is to get people from one destination to another in 4 hours or less and only charge $100 using over 500 routes.

Arrive in half the time. Greater access to the world. Deeper human connection. Unlimited possibilities.-Boom Supersonic

The new Overture aircraft will seat between 65 and 88 passengers and will focus primarily on transoceanic routes.

YouTube, Boom Supersonic Screenshot
YouTube, Boom Supersonic Screenshot

The company hopes to use expand the technology used by the Concord airliners, which first hit the air in 1976, and add the technology of today making the Boom Supersonic fleet the most advanced airplanes ever built.

Boom Supersonic and its workers are dreaming big. The hope is to have these planes in the air and connecting people around the world by 2026.

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