Tropical Storm / Hurricane Barry blew through Acadiana over the weekend, and some areas are still feeling drastic effects. Solomon House, which is an outreach mission of the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany in New Iberia, lost power during the storm, and consequently, over 1,000 lbs of food. They are the primary food pantry in New Iberia, and they could use some help. Without a generator, almost all of their perishable food is now unusable, and they are asking for donations. They supply many needy citizens in the area with meals, and also a majority of residents at the School Days Apartments. They do get donations from Second Harvest and Feed America, but this week a lot of those they help feed will go without because of the hurricane.

Donations of food or money can be made at Soloman House, 520 Center St., New Iberia during the following hours:

  • Monday and Wednesday 8:30 am - noon
  • Tuesdays 7:00 am - noon
  • Friday 8:00 am - noon

Donations call also be made through their website,  by calling 337-364-779, or by emailing Let's get them back up and going, so that they can continue the good works they do in the community! And if you would like to help them get a generator, that would be such a blessing as well.


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