Dirty Coast, a New Orleans based company, is raising money for two billboards...one for Atlanta, and one for New Orleans.

The billboard has the score, quarter, and time left when the Atlanta Falcons were up 28-3 in the 3rd quarter of the Super Bowl against the New England Patriots. It was right around 2:12 that the Pats began the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history.

In New Orleans we take history seriously. So it goes without asking that we made note of the historic loss in last year's Superbowl. So to commemorate that moment we would like to put up a billboard in Atlanta. Is it an epic act of trolling? Maybe. Is it hilarious? You bet.

They are trying to raise $2,000 to put a billboard in Atlanta, and one in New Orleans. Anything over $2,000 that they receive will be given to charity. Click the button below to donate to the cause.


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