This is why you should never bring pizza to a fistfight.

Some random bro thought it would be humorous to slap a complete stranger with pizza, but quickly found out that its hard to get the last laugh when you're knocked out cold. Its bad enough that he snuck a the guy with a slice of pizza, but he continued to run his mouth—spewing homophobic slurs amongst other nonsense.

I think its safe to say that he never saw the guy's left hand coming.

Violence is never the answer, but this situation could have totally been avoided if the guy just ate his pizza instead of using it like a boxing glove. The cameraman seemed to come out unscathed, but seems to be just as lame as his buddy as he is heard asking the girl helping them if the "plan" is to come back to his place.

Something tells me this isn't the first, or last time this will happen to these cool dudes.

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