Officer Relieved Of Duty After Kicking Handcuffed Suspect In The Head [VIDEO]
A Miami police officer has been relieved of his duty after kicking a man in the head.
A video showing Miami PD officer Mario Figuerroa kicking a man in the head just seconds after he was handcuffed went viral as social media users were outraged by what they saw.
The woman who caught the incident on video said she didn't want to be identified but described what she saw as something that left her "stunned."
He’s on the ground and the other officer just came and kicks him like a football player, he just kicks his head like he’s a football player
The man seen handcuffed on the ground is David Suazo. Investigators say police attempted to stop Suazo once they believed he was in a stolen car. Suazo ended up crashing the car into the wall of a nearby home and made a run for it. He didn't get far before police took him down in the courtyard of the home he crashed into.
That's where we saw the man get kicked in the head.
What shocked Suazo's family even more than the arrest was that police initially told them nothing happened during the arrest, but once she saw the video go viral she realized that wasn't the case at all.
I go home and saw it on Facebook and God, there’s the video of what the sergeant on the scene alleged didn’t happen, which is my brother being on the ground already handcuffed and being kicked in the face by another officer
The Miami police chief called the act a "clear violation of policy" announcing Figgueroa had been relieved of his duty as they opened an investigation into the incident.
Should the Figgueroa be allowed back on the force? Give us your thoughts.
[via CBS]