If you Google "work ethic" you won't have to scroll far to see a photo of Red Lerille—but what are the methods to his success?

Red Lerille's Health & Racquet Club is worldwide known and held in high regards by many, from some of the best body-building athletes in America to the biggest superstars in the WWE.

No matter where you are in Lafayette, chances are you're within five minutes of someone with a Red's key card.

But how is Red's still so successful in a day and age where $10 franchise gyms, CrossFit and DIY home workouts via the internet are readily available?

If I had to sum it up in one word, I would say that word would be "passion."

It's Red's passion that earned him the title of Mr. America in 1960.

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It's Red's passion that brought him from New Orleans to Lafayette to open his gym on two acres in 1963.


It's Red's passion that turned those two acres into twenty over the years—making over 624 improvements since he first opened his doors.


But through all the remodels, additions, improvements and success, Red says there is one method that has been at the center of it all to this day. You'll have to watch the video to find out what it is, but believe me when I say you can start doing it today.

Or you can just stop by Red's and ask him—more than likely, he's working.

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