This is disturbing.

Watch as a bus driver in Colorado slaps a kid in the face for reportedly not wearing a mask properly while on the bus.

You can see that the adult in the video below has a conversation with the kid and then the adult slaps the kid.

Newsweek reports that the kid told others on the bus that she can't properly wear a mask because "it makes her sick."

So, when she did not pull the mask over her nose, that is when the school bus driver approached her.

The video footage below was turned over to the school district and police. We can report that the bus driver was terminated as a result of his actions.

The school bus driver did say that he simply reacted to the situation when he slapped the kid on the bus.

KKTV, who originally aired the footage below, reports that the bus driver is facing misdemeanor charges for harassment, causing injury, and child abuse.

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