Lafayette Sheriff’s Daughter And Babysitter Found Alive And Safe [UDPATED]
The search will begin again today to try to locate Lafayette Parish Sheriff Mark Garber's daughter and babysitter.
UPDATE: Sheriff Garber's daughter and the babysitter were both found safe, but exhausted.
The two went missing yesterday after the 21-year-old babysitter took the girl out canoeing.
Investigators believe that it is likely that due to high water, the canoe drifted into a heavily wooded area, and they just haven't spotted it yet.
Crews are going out again this morning to search for the two.
Lafayette Parish Sheriff Mark Garber has been in Port Arthur, Texas helping local law enforcement who are patrolling in areas that have been severely damaged by Harvey.
The notification was made at around 5:15 yesterday afternoon that the two had gone missing from the 400 block of Garber Road.
The search of the Garber property continues, as the property is very dense and thickly wooded.
The girl is 41/2 feet tall, about 40 pounds with red hair. The 21-year-old babysitter has been described as a white female.