Shell Airlifts 9 Offshore Workers Due to COVID-19
The Coronavirus/COVID-19 has impacted people from all walks of life, in every corner of the world and now the virus is showing up in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. Shell released a statement today confirming that the company airlifted seven offshore workers from an offshore platform due to COVID-19. Two more will be airlifted later today.
Shell has confirmed that five individuals, who were airlifted back to land earlier today, have been hospitalized and are being treated for COVID-19 in hospitals along the Gulf Coast. Two others airlifted today have symptoms but there has been no word on whether or not they've tested positive for the virus. The two others with symptoms will be transported back to shore later this afternoon.
WBRZ in Baton Rouge is reporting that the two remaining individuals with COVID-19 symptoms will be transported back to the coast weather permitting.
Shell is now testing all of its offshore workers for COVID-19 before they are flown to offshore platforms. In addition, Shell is reducing the staff on the offshore platform that housed the infected workers. The company is keeping only essential staff onboard the infected platform making sure those who remain have tested negative for the virus.