
Finally Family
Finally Family
Finally Family
One Florida woman went through her younger years without being adopted. It was when she turned 19-years-old that her long-time case worker and motherly figure decided it was time they officially became family, as they had been all along.
Acadiana Foster Child Pleads To Be Adopted Through An Original Song [Video]
Acadiana Foster Child Pleads To Be Adopted Through An Original Song [Video]
Acadiana Foster Child Pleads To Be Adopted Through An Original Song [Video]
About 20 children in the foster care system attended a pizza party yesterday sponsored by Buck and Johnny's Pizzeria in Breaux Bridge. The kids were asked to use art and poetry to express what being adopted would mean to them. Lavontray, an 8th grader who's been in the system for 5 years now, put his feelings into song and I'm now a teary mess.

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