Louisiana Sheriff's Deputies have arrested a man on multiple drug charges. He was also found to have eight alligators living in his backyard swimming pool.
With so many great lakes and bayous around Louisiana, you're bound to run into an alligator at some point. But, which Louisiana lakes have the most alligators?
Louisiana and Florida are two States you think of when it comes to alligators. You might be surprised at the sizeable alligator populations found in other states across the United States.
The weather in Louisiana is warming up and the big reptiles are on the move. Here's what you should know should you encounter an alligator in a place where it's not supposed to be.
We've seen alligators climbing fences before, but now alligators aren't even wasting their time with that anymore...they're just bending the bars on fences and climbing right through.
Imagine leaving for work in the morning and as you go to get in your car you see this 10-foot alligator walking around like it's no big deal. That would certainly be a hot cup of "NOPE".
It's alligator mating season, and with all of the rivers and bayous around Acadiana pretty high right now from all the recent rain, you might want to watch your step!
Raymond J. Fischer Jr. was strolling along on Lake Road in Lacombe when he saw an alligator so giant he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. Now that's a tree shakah!