Saturday, a 185-year-old painting of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau sold at auction for almost $1,000,000. The problem is, it's reportedly not even a painting of Marie Laveau
There's no denying that Whataburger may have some of the most supportive fans of all in the fast food game. Case in point, the "Whataburger Museum of Art".
Lafayette Consolidated Government is once again holding their annual Storm Drain Art Contest to help beautify the city, bring attention to the importance of protecting the water quality of the Vermilion River, and support local artists.
Imagine if you had some old painting that's been hanging up in your family's home all of your life. You know a little bit about it, but stuck it behind a door. Then you took it to an antique dealer and found out it's worth a whooooole lotta money!
I couldn't even begin to count how many times I've walked around Downtown Lafayette and admired the great public art displayed, just about at every turn. It's probably what I like best about Downtown Lafayette. It gives the area a truly unique feel. I've often wondered who made these sculptures and painted these murals, and today I came across some great information about them I thought I'd share.
The Greenroom is not taking the theft lightly, ripping the thieves on their Facebook page and using terms that are less than appropriate for our website.
Yesterday on the morning show I talked about how one artist in Lafayette is stamping his artwork on property along Johnston St. in Lafayette, and now we have a photo of the artwork. A listener submitted the following photo of what appears to be a painting of a mouse on an ace of spades.
I understand art is beautiful and it is a form of expression, but there are some things that you have to scratch your head at. The abstract paintings are pretty, we know Picasso had a few 'questionable' pieces, and the Mona Lisa will forever be world famous, but birds with human arms...a little freaky.