
12 Items You Should Have On-Hand For A Power Outage
12 Items You Should Have On-Hand For A Power Outage
12 Items You Should Have On-Hand For A Power Outage
Although some people may feel a bit strange about keeping a supply of certain items in the house “just in case”, it’s always better to be over-prepared than under and, believe me, you do not want to find out for yourself the hard way. In the event of a blackout, you need a reliable supply kit to get you by without power, and included below are just a few essentials to start with.
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
What Websites Went Dark For the SOPA Blackout? [IMAGES]
On Tuesday, we told you about some of the sites — Wikipedia, Reddit and the Cheezburger network among them — that planned to go dark today in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), anti-piracy legislation under consideration by the US Congress. They weren’t the only stops on the internet to take a stand — here’s a roundup of some of the most prominent peaceful prot