Is this what Instagram has come too? Fellas, don't take after this kid. Never break up with your girl on Instagram. Man up, and tell her over the phone. LOL!!
Having a life long friend is like having that brother or sister that you always wanted. You share everything with them, including all your secrets. You go to football games, you hang out in the mall... you do BFF stuff, but when things go south and you break up with you BFF it can be just as painful as breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend. We made up a list of the most uncomfortable mom
The last time I checked, relationships aren't that hard....either you love them or you don't! After dating each other for almost a year and a half, it looks like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are finally on the rocks. If you didn't know, this means guys are laughing at Justin for leaving her and 13-year-old girls are screaming that he is single once again.
A lot of people say they would do anything to get their special someone back, but how far would YOU really go? So far on YouTube we found out this guy will do just about anything to get his girlfriend Sarah back...even public humiliation.
TMZ is reporting that Rihanna has dumped singer Chris Brown....Again!! This time it was not a relationship break-up, but rather she has elected to "unfollow" Brown on Twitter.
LMFAO are putting rumors of a feud to rest via YouTube and a sense of humor. The ‘Sexy and I Know It’ rappers released a video poking fun at the reports of a breakup to reassure fans that the Party Rock train and tour are still in full effect.
Are you excited about Spring Break? Have you been hitting the gym in hopes of looking your buffest for the girls on the beach? What’s that… you aren’t single? No problem, Spring Break is one of the most popular times for couples to end their relationship. We’ve studied the facts and can help you determine if having a Spring Breakup is right for you (it is).
I'm not sure if this falls under the lines of "creepy" or "desperate"??? It seems like this guy is still in love with his ex and he's trying to figure out a way of getting her back. I'm assuming the phone calls, text messages, emails or maybe even the visits are not working. Now, Charles is turning to YouTube!! Check It!
Reports are saying that Christina Milian and The Dream are back together! According to, a source said they were spotted "making out" in the casino of the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas last weekend.
The one thing most people would agree with is, its always hard to break up with someone in you are in a relationship with. What if someone else did the breaking up for you?