
A Horse Walks Into a Bar
A Horse Walks Into a Bar
A Horse Walks Into a Bar
It was a surprise to see a horse walking through a bar but, considering it's Budweiser, I should have expected the unexpected.
‘Typical Americans': New Super Bowl Ad Will Bring Goosebumps
‘Typical Americans': New Super Bowl Ad Will Bring Goosebumps
‘Typical Americans': New Super Bowl Ad Will Bring Goosebumps
When the Superbowl rolls around, talk usually turns from the actual game to the commercials; this new Superbowl ad will bring you goosebumps! If you've never been overseas to visit another country, you may have never heard the derogatory comment "typical Americans"...
'America' Cans Run Dry
'America' Cans Run Dry
'America' Cans Run Dry
Remember when Budweiser started the "America" campaign this summer? Anheuser Busch took a big risk in May when it replaced the traditional "Budweiser" beer cans with "America" cans.

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