
Debbie Gets Emotional In Her Crazy eHarmony Bio [VIDEO]
Debbie Gets Emotional In Her Crazy eHarmony Bio [VIDEO]
Debbie Gets Emotional In Her Crazy eHarmony Bio [VIDEO]
Hey fellas, meet Debbie! She is looking for her soul mate on and has even released a video describing her likes, hobbies and also, her love for cats. She 'just really loves cats.' Check this disturbing yet HILARIOUS video after the jump.
Tornado Victim Finds Cat During On-Air Interview [VIDEO]
Tornado Victim Finds Cat During On-Air Interview [VIDEO]
Tornado Victim Finds Cat During On-Air Interview [VIDEO]
Talk about your emotional reunion. Judy Pugh has one of the more heartwarming stories to emerge out of the devastating tornadoes which tore through Tuscaloosa, Alabama last month when her missing cat showed up while she was being interviewed for a story about having her home destroyed by the tornadoes.
Cats Rule
Cats Rule
Cats Rule
Cats Rule! (at least in photos). It's the weekend, and if you've had a stressful pre-Mardi Gras stretch, hopefully this photo and the others you can see by clicking here will help brighten your day.