A resurfaced video that Emily Blunt is facing backlash over for derogatory comments she made about a restaurant server's weight was filmed in Louisiana.
In November, Ashley Warden was fined $2,500 when a police officer spotted her three-year old son urinating on the front yard of her two-and-a-half acre property in rural Piedmont, Oklahoma. The cop was ultimately fired for issuing the ticket. But apparently Warden still holds a grudge against law enforcement, which she made known through a recent post to her Facebook page.
Since Tax Day (April 15) fell on a weekend this year, procrastinators were given two more days to procrastinate, and today (April 17) is the last day to file your dreaded taxes without incurring a penalty. Many companies want to ease your pain by offering freebies to make your Tax Day a little more desirable...
'Team Celebrate' invites you to a Giveback Night, to benefit American Cancer Society's 'Relay for Life." It's happening tonight at Chili's located at 3905 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy in Lafayette. Print out the flyer below, (right click and save as) and present it to your server or to go assistant and 10% of your purchase will be donated to the American Cancer Society's 'Relay for Life.'
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Today, September 26th, all of Chili's Grill & Bar Restaurants are donating 100% of net profit to St Jude Children's Research Hospital. Basically, whatever you spend there today is going to St. Jude in Memphis, TN. What you should know is that all of the research conducted at St. Jude is shared with various hospitals that treat children battling terminal illnesses.