Deal Reached to Move Mouton StatueDeal Reached to Move Mouton StatueA deal has been reached to remove the Alfred Mouton statue from public grounds in Downtown Lafayette.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Stolen Confederate Statue Found in NOLA Tattoo ParlorStolen Confederate Statue Found in NOLA Tattoo ParlorThe tattoo parlor is owned by Jason Warnick, who has been arrested for receiving stolen propertyStephanie CristStephanie Crist
Council Supports Statue RemovalCouncil Supports Statue RemovalThe Lafayette council meeting this past Tuesday night was one of the longest in recent memory.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Alexandria City Council Approves Removal of Confederate Statue in Front of CourthouseAlexandria City Council Approves Removal of Confederate Statue in Front of CourthouseThe city council in Alexandria passed an ordinance last night to remove the confederate statue located in front of the Rapides Parish Courthouse. Jude WalkerJude Walker