A University of Michigan study has America and the world for that matter, in total shock about how some of the foods we enjoy eating affect our lifespan.
More and more physicians across the world are learning important lessons in diet and nutrition thanks to a program developed at a Louisiana university.
Chances are you've heard that every one of these foods is bad for your waistline, your physique, and your overall health. The real facts say differently.
A law librarian, Christine Hall, decided a few years back that she wanted to lose weight, but she didn't want to go on some strict diet or have to run to the gym everyday.
Three years ago, Pauline Potter was not only about to get divorced from her husband Alex, but she was on the verge of becoming the heaviest women in the world – weighing a heavy-duty 728 pounds at the time she entered herself into the Guinness Book of Records.
For years, many diet experts have advised using smaller plates for our food. By doing so, normal portions look bigger and thus fool us into thinking we’ve eaten more than we have.
Now a group of Japanese researchers have taken that idea one further — they’ve created goggles that make food look larger.
It’s been a little over a week since New Year’s resolutions kicked in, officially long enough to determine if you’ve started that diet that you promised yourself — if, in fact, you picked what is usually the year’s most popular resolution.