A group of people gathering for the solar eclipse in Texas yesterday not only got to see a rare solar event, but some believe they got to see a UFO as well.
Monday's magical total solar eclipse wasn't so magical in south Louisiana, as folks in Lafayette were treated to rain and clouds rather than the promised phenomenon.
Police say a woman open fire on other motorists along I-10 during Monday's eclipse. The woman told authorities she was directed by God to go on a shooting spree.
Louisiana sky watchers planning on viewing the April 8th eclipse should know there are two big reasons why your mobile telephone could stop functioning.
Although the path of totality will happen just outside of Louisiana, we still have a few places to view and experience the eclipse that will still be pretty amazing.
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a warning for air travelers in Louisiana and Texas who might be flying at the same time of the solar eclipse.
The prime viewing area was in the northeast portion of the country, so we really didn't get to see any of it from here. Luckily, several people posted photos.