A woman got her head stuck in a vehicle's tailpipe at the Winstock Country Music Festival and the fire department showed up with the "Jaws of Life" to remove the woman's head from the pipe.
Working out can be dangerous, especially if you don't know how to use the workout equipment properly. That's why it comes with instructions and some workouts come with a DVD on how to use the equipment. This little girl learns the hard way.
With the season premiere of Ridiculousness on MTV tonight, last season's shows were playing on MTV yesterday so I found myself watching a few of the episodes AGAIN!! The new season seems to be better than the rest, so I'm really excited to watch it tonight! One of my favorite clips is the one below, of a girl (who's too old to be on a swing) being pushed by a guy (who's too old to be pushing someo
Prank Vs. Prank is a YouTube channel about a couple that seriously enjoys terrorizing each other. In their latest prank, Jeana uses some harmless cat poop to freak out her boyfriend Jesse.
Even though it happened a couple of weeks ago, we are still in shock that a Drake fan actually got a tattoo of “DRAKE” (in all caps) etched into her forehead. Drizzy has seen the photo that went viral on the internet and has addressed the situation in a recent interview.