Last fall, Ryan Gosling revealed that Harrison Ford punched him in the face — like, legit punched him in the face — on the set of Blade Runner 2049. It was for a scene they were filming in Denis Villeneuve’s sequel to Ridley Scott’s sci-fi classic, of course. Still, the thought of iconic curmudgeon Harrison Ford punching iconic pretty boy Ryan Gosling in the kisser is just so delightful. In a new interview, Ford responds to Gosling’s face-punching allegation by suggesting his younger co-star should be “grateful” it only happened once. That sound you hear is the firing of shots from Ford’s general vicinity.
It’s undeniable that Carrie Fisher was a rare talent — and she’d have to be, to charm the notoriously picky George Lucas with her Star Wars audition. In a recently resurfaced video, originally posted on YouTube in 2006, Fisher sits down to read a scene opposite Harrison Ford (whom Lucas initially didn’t want to cast, but he was so good in the screen tests that Ford became his Han Solo).
When you’re out promoting a movie, you’re often asked to do a lot of things, most of them pretty silly. With the amount of press the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was being asked to do, there were asked to do a lot of silly things, none perhaps as silly as going on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and singing a medley of Star Wars music a cappella. But the entire cast — including Harrison Ford! — actually commits, and it actually turns out to pretty fun.
Harrison Ford might be a superhero. This, according to Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams, who was on set for Ford’s unfortunate accident last year, when a hydraulic door broke his leg. (As Abrams’ describes it in the clip above, his ankle was at a, gulp, 90-degree angle to the rest of his body. Ew.) Thankfully, Ford was okay. Then he later got into a plane crash and was mostly okay after that too. Because, again, Harrison Ford is a superhero.
It’s hard to believe that Harrison Ford has never seen any of the ‘Indiana Jones’ movies. And yet, here he is recently watching the original trilogy in wide-eyed wonder. (Apparently, even Indy himself wants to pretend that ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’ never happened.)
But as many YouTube commenters have pointed out, something seems fishy about this video.