Rogue Helicopter Destroys LA's United Cajun Navy Hurricane ReliefRogue Helicopter Destroys LA's United Cajun Navy Hurricane ReliefAn unmarked helicopter destroyed hurricane relief supplies in a no-fly zone, disrupting Louisiana-based United Cajun Navy's mission to aid victims of Hurricane Helene.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
United Way of Acadiana Announces Food & Supply DriveUnited Way of Acadiana Announces Food & Supply DriveUnited Way of Acadiana has announced a food and supply drive that will kick off this Friday to gather supplies needed by the victims of Hurricane Ida.JayCeeJayCee
Day of Giving Planned to Benefit Hurricane VictimsDay of Giving Planned to Benefit Hurricane VictimsDonations will be accepted today from 6 am to 6 pm at the United Way facility on E. Pinhook in Lafayette. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells