Note Falls out of Book for a Specific Person, But Inspiration Ensues for All of UsNote Falls out of Book for a Specific Person, But Inspiration Ensues for All of UsA note found in a book at Goodwill has a special message for all of us. Bernadette LeeBernadette Lee
An Open Letter to Parents Before School StartsAn Open Letter to Parents Before School StartsFrom a teacher before the school year starts.Joe CunninghamJoe Cunningham
Dad Purchases Used Car for Daughter, Finds Emotional Letter BehindDad Purchases Used Car for Daughter, Finds Emotional Letter BehindA father in Kentucky purchased a pre-owned car for his daughter, but it's what he found in the car after the purchase that has the internet shedding tears.Chris ReedChris Reed
Anonymous Neighbor Sends a Shocking MessageAnonymous Neighbor Sends a Shocking MessageResidents in a Broussard neighborhood are perplexed after at least two people received an anonymous letter complaining about a barking dog.DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Marking On Vehicles Marking On Vehicles Jessica Prince posted this photo on Facebook and she did so to alert others who may have this white letter on their vehicle.Chris ReedChris Reed