From economic reasons to the thrill of the hunt, there are many reasons why people go dumpster diving in Louisiana. But, is dumpster diving illegal in Louisiana?'s complicated...kind of.
Motorcycle laws vary from state to state, so it's important to know what is and isn't legal not just here in Louisiana. When it comes to lane splitting, is it legal in Louisiana?
If you're out camping, hiking, hunting or just out exploring in the woods or rural areas and suddenly you come across something with purple paint on it, police say you need to leave.
We've talked about strange Louisiana laws before, but here are a few we haven't heard of's almost hard to believe they ever existed in the first place.
A post shared by the popular local Facebook Group "Lafayette Memories" reveals that it was on this very date some 45 years ago when turning red was first allowed in Lafayette.
We dug a little to find some of the funny ones on the books. According to and, here are 10 good ole Louisiana laws that you may have broken today.