‘Magic Mike’ was a perfect storm of a movie. For some of the moviegoing population, it was a chance to load yourself up with frozen margaritas and go watch a bunch of extremely attractive, chiseled men strut their stuff on camera. For cinephiles, it was the next film from the ever-versatile genius Steven Soderbergh, whose filmography is littered with experimental and pop masterpieces alike. It was a big hit, a sequel was greenlit, and now, the first ‘Magic Mike XXL’ poster has arrived, placing returning star Channing Tatum (and his abs) front and center.
Remember how Elizabeth Banks had such a great time during the 2012 MTV Movie Awards, accepting one of those golden popcorn trophies from the 'Magic Mike' hunks? Now she's getting even more love from Channing Tatum and his crew with a role in 'Magic Mike 2,' which officially revealed the full cast roster and plot details.
Enough of “reading the subtext” and complimenting the story line of ‘Magic Mike.’ Pretty much everyone who actually goes to see the movie is only going to gawk at a shirtless and sometimes naked Channing Tatum. (There’s no harm in admitting that.) So, fans of the film probably won’t be disappointed when they find out that a second ‘Magic Mike’ might be in the works.
Male strippers, heartwarming family fare, talking teddy bears and men in drag. No, that’s not the set-up for a joke — those are what you’ll see in the four new movies that hit theaters this weekend.