A United States Marine was recently attacked by several individuals outside of a fast-food establishment. Now, police in Washington D.C. have the video of the attack .
Thousands of people put their porch light on when 6-year-old Darren Baysore asked them to. He requested that people do so in a way to honor his dad who died while serving our country in Afghanistan.
A retired Marine returned to the U.S. and when he walked up to a house he purchased while serving overseas, it looked nothing the same. A friend renovated it.
Watching those who serve our country overseas surprise family members upon their return never gets old. Watch as this Marine Corporal surprises his mom on her graduation day and is there to present her with her diploma.
A massive size eyeball has washed up on Pompano Beach, north of Fort Lauderdale. The eyeball washed up ashore this Wednesday, and has left many scientists scratching their heads.
Its a sight we have seen way too often. Family members say good-bye to the ones they love that have fallen victim to war. In the latest photo, a young lady requested that she be able to sleep along side her husband one last time, before his burial.
As the Marine Coprs Ball rapidly approaches, the event may be gaining more star power after a recent invitation. Both Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake have said "yes" to invites, and will each accompanying a marine for the big night. Well, we can now add Betty White to the list of celebrities being invited to the ball.