Lafayette is home to hundreds of restaurants that range from traditional Cajun and Creole cuisine to Mexican and Lebanese. Chances are if you are craving it there is a place in town that serves it. Even though we have countless restaurants there are several that no matter when you go, will always have a wait. Here are the 7 Lafayette restaurants that are always worth the wait according to our listeners.
Ports of call are clamping down on cruise ship crowds, this could mean some destinations might not be available to all cruise ships in the near future.
Louisiana is home to over 100 locations of the fast food restaurant that was crowned as the most expensive. We initially thought Raising Canes or Chick-fil-A might grab the top spot, we were wrong.
La Fonda is known for it's atmosphere, great mexican food, and lunches on Friday that end up spilling into Happy Hour. Located just of Johnston St. this amazing restaurant has been a staple in Lafayette for close to 40 years now. I had the pleasure of being served by Ronnie, one of the best in the biz, who has been at La Fonda almost as long as their doors have been open.
A group of Mexican workers have walked out of their job in Breaux Bridge and have accused their employer of forcing them to work 24-hour shifts without overtime pay. The guests have filed a complaint with the U.S. Labor Department claiming the business abused them and took advantage of them while hand-picking crawfish at the seafood plant.
For as long as I can remember dogs have been a man's best friend because they are loyal, fun loving companions. They will stand by your side no matter long as you have a leash on them! Most people now days love to show of what their pets are able to do even if its the typical 'jump through a hoop' trick. If you really want to impress your friends though....hold a doritos chip in fro