Ted Nugent is drumming up support for Louisiana's proposed bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. He sent out a text message.
The New Orleans Saints focused on defense with their second round pick (58th overall), selecting cornerback Stanley-Jean Baptiste out of Nebraska. Baptiste has only played...
If you haven't seen any of the 2014 Oscar nominated films, like 'American Hustle' or '12 Years a Slave,' have no fear. The folks at CineFix and Mom.me and their talented kid performers have come together to reenact the most praised films of the past year.
After seeing this I almost feel like I got sold short on Sunday night. Who knows how many other hilarious comedians starred in Super Bowl ads that were exclusive to certain markets? This Old Milwaukee ad stars Will Ferrell, and for reasons unknown, only aired in Nebraska. I could be a little biased here being that I am a huge Will Ferrell fan, but this is funnier than 80% of the commercials that I
20-year-old Nathaniel Atkinson has just been convicted of a stick-up robbery of a Lincoln, Nebraska adult book store. But here's the catch: His sister was working behind the porn shop's register when he committed his crime.