Here are the best movies of 2014 so far! (Note: These movies have all been released in theaters and I am not including movies that I saw at film festivals that have not been yet released to the public.)
Have you or do you now live in an apartment complex where you can hear your neighbor's every move? I know I did. The people that lived upstairs from me had two kids and a newborn... Talk about loud. If it wasn't the kids running around screaming, their newborn was crying at all hours of the night. It was hell for a single person. I never had neighbors that were too loud while bumping uglies. Appar
A few weeks ago we heard about the Florida man under the influence of "Bath Salts" that ate away at homeless person's face. Now, we have a story of a Texas man under the influence of synthetic drugs eating away at his neighbors dog...while it was ALIVE!!!
The Denver Broncos Quarterback, Tim Tebow, seems to not only be catching everyone's immediate attention, he may even be capturing the hearts of many around the country. After being under the proverbial microscope for so long this season, the young man has remained humble through it all. Maybe that explains why he was voted as the one celebrity most average citizens would like to have as a neighbor