Monday night Ashley Potter decided to reheat their P.F. Changs leftovers from the night before in the air fryer only for things to take an unexpected turn.
While we don't have a P.F. Chang's in Acadiana yet, we can at least lay claim to the fact that one of two founders of the wildly successful Asian-themed restaurant is from right here in Acadiana. I've asked 10 people around the station, and no one seems to know this.
Since Tax Day (April 15) fell on a weekend this year, procrastinators were given two more days to procrastinate, and today (April 17) is the last day to file your dreaded taxes without incurring a penalty. Many companies want to ease your pain by offering freebies to make your Tax Day a little more desirable...
We conducted an unintentional survey over the weekend by asking our Facebook Fan Page users to "fill in the blank" in a status update that read