A horrifying incident unfolded on Thursday night (Jul. 13), as a local priest was viciously attacked with a machete, leaving him in critical condition.
Watch as priest in Brazil hits and shoves kids in this bizarre video. According to the person who shot this video, this was all part of their "blessing."
In what seems to be a totally unfair turn of events, the waitress who posted a picture of a receipt on Reddit after being refused a tip by a pastor has been fired from her job at Applebee's.
This is the time of the year when the studios pull out their big guns for what's sure to be another epic summer movie season.
And it looks like there could be a few moneymakers this weekend, with the hilarious 'Bridesmaids' (from the producers of 'Knocked Up' and 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin') and the big screen adaptation of 'Priest' opening in theaters.
Get a rundown of what's opening this weekend, p