After three straight years of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting, the Golden Globes invited previous three-time host Ricky Gervais (2010-2012) to return for the 2016 awards show. Said Gervais back on January 1, “Because I can see the future, I’d like to apologise [sic] now for the things I said at next week’s Golden Globes. I was drunk & didn’t give a f---.” So, did Gervais wind up having anything to apologize for this year? If you missed it, you can watch his 2016 Golden Globes monologue above and decide for yourself.
The 2016 awards season is already filled with nostalgia. The Oscars announced the return of former host Chris Rock for the upcoming Academy Awards, and now previous Golden Globes host Ricky Gervais is returning to the stage.
David Blaine is a master at what he does. To me he is one of the best illusionists in the world. Some of the tricks he pulls off have you in awe. This trick he did had Ricky Gervais beyond confused and even mad in disbelief. David Blaine sticks a huge needle through his arm until it comes out the other side, and reacts like it doesn't hurt at all. So, is this real or is this just a trick? You deci