
School Principal Facing Charges After Shoplifting From Walmart
School Principal Facing Charges After Shoplifting From Walmart
School Principal Facing Charges After Shoplifting From Walmart
In Hancock County, Mississippi a high school principal is facing 3 misdemeanor shoplifting charges. Amy Yarborough Nacaise is being accused of shoplifting from Walmart on three separate occasions in Hancock County according to WCSC 5. While the Bay-Waveland School District has not commented on the ongoing case they did announce that the school board has accepted her resignation.
Baton Rouge Boutique Owner Fights Back
Baton Rouge Boutique Owner Fights Back
Baton Rouge Boutique Owner Fights Back
Reports show video of a Baton Rouge boutique owner fighting off a potential shoplifter who was attempting to steal from her. A scuffle inside of the store led to the shoplifter walking away and the business owner was able to get back hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise.