According to reports, Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory has enlisted a local, private security company to deploy surveillance cameras around Lafayette.
There are very few things in this world that are grosser than human feces, especially when it turns up in places where it doesn't belong. Last week, a Philly cab driver decided that a public sidewalk would be an appropriate place to "drop a deuce," and one Philadelphian is none to happy about it.
For the first time detectives believe they may have evidence that Mickey Shunick did indeed get on her bike and attempt to ride home early Saturday morning (May 19th, 2012). KATC posted photos on their Facebook page - two photos showing a bicyclist that detectives believe to be 22-year-old Mickey Shunick, the other a white 4-door pickup truck that detectives are asking for your help to identify.
It took a jury less than 20 minutes to find 18-year-old Shantaniqua Scott guilty of two counts of injury to a child with serious bodily injury after watching a video of hidden cameras that caught her in the act. The footage was from last July in Dallas when the 18-year-old mom was caught placing a blanket, and eventually her hand over her four-month-old son's face at a children's medical center.