
Adjust Clocks Sunday
Adjust Clocks Sunday
Adjust Clocks Sunday
Daylight Saving Time comes to an end this weekend, therefore don't forget to set your clock back an hour when you go to sleep on Saturday night.
Did Time Magazine’s Cover of a Breastfeeding Mom Go Too Far?
Did Time Magazine’s Cover of a Breastfeeding Mom Go Too Far?
Did Time Magazine’s Cover of a Breastfeeding Mom Go Too Far?
This week’s issue of Time magazine features a cover story on attachment parenting, a controversial form of child-rearing that involves breastfeeding to an older age, co-sleeping and wearing children in slings. It also features a cover image of a mother breastfeeding her three-year-old son that’s sure to raise a few eyebrows.
Who Should Be on TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People List?
Who Should Be on TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People List?
Who Should Be on TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People List?
It makes sense that the masses should decide who has had an influence over them. Perhaps this is the theory behind TIME Magazine’s recent release of its 200-name ballot for its yearly list of the world’s 100 most influential people. A list that includes a variety of well-known people, with both positive and negative personas.

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