Chances are somebody is going to be upset that the temperature is not quite right for them. The battle lines are usually drawn along gender lines. The men are always too hot and the women are always too cold.
As the famous motto goes, "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night" stops dedicated postal workers. And as far as Deborah Ford is concerned, who retired from the USPS after more than four decades on the job without taking a single sick day, nothing else does either.
Jason Derulo has been in recovery mode for several months after fracturing his neck in January, forcing him to cancel his world tour. The singer, who was rehearsing for that very road trek when he sustained the injury, made his first public appearance since the incident, revealing that he is working on a new album!
I know everyone is looking for a job in today's economy, but this might be pushing the envelope a bit. Emperors Gentlemen’s Club in Riviera Beach, Florida said they posted the advertisement as a joke, but I'm not really seeing the punch line.