Over the past 7 days, our social newsfeeds have been flooded with chicken sandwich madness, but this may be the best story.

Everyone has been hyped over the new chicken sandwich at Popeyes which caused a lot of folks to get out to their local respective fast-food chain to see what all the fuss was about. While most people saw a delicious chicken sandwich in their future, one 17-year-old saw a golden opportunity.

David Ledbetter decided he would take advantage of the long drive-thru lines to get people registered to vote. While I did see most people draw comparisons to society putting the same Popeyes chicken sandwich energy into more productive things (like voting), this teenager actually got from behind the keyboard and actually did something about it.

All week I’ve been seeing people waiting in line for the Popeyes chicken sandwich. So we thought that we should register people to vote while they waited

The Charlotte teen says his interest in getting others politically involved was sparked after being one of the only young people in attendance a recent caucus meeting in his hometown.

I once attended a caucus meeting in Charlotte and I noticed the lack of young people present. I wanted to start an initiative to allow more youth to become politically involved so I thought registering people to vote and handing out information on voting would be the best way to engage

Even though most of the people he came across in line were registered to vote, he was still able to register 16 new individuals.

Locally, a similar initiative by the name of Zydegeaux VOTE aims to get people registered as well, and if the statistics in Charlotte are anything like Lafayette, David is definitely doing good work.

Zydegeaux Vote
Zydegeaux Vote

Simone Ancelet with Zydegeaux VOTE tells me that her team hasn't resorted to the lines at local Popeyes restaurants just yet, but she would love to "meet and high five" David for his clever approach to civic engagement through the chicken sandwich fad.

Ledbetter won't be able to vote until he turns 18 next March but says he still plans to return to Popeyes and other "heavily populated areas" to make sure to get his fellow young people informed and registered.

Way to go, David. You're an inspiration to us all.

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