Now that the kids are out of school, Mom & Dad should expect to hear many complaints. I can vividly recall complaining to my parents while out of school during the summer break. With all of the time off, you'd think kids are satisfied to just be out of school, yet that just isn't true. Here are the Top-5 Complaints parents should expect to hear from their kids this summer while out of school.

5. Completing Chores: While kids are out of school they feel entitled to not having to do anything. I hated being told what to do while on my "break." Kids feel like their "work" is school, and while they are off from it, kids do not feel like they should have to exert themselves around the house. Mom and Dad should prepare to hear, "I'm on my break."

4. Having A Curfew: Again, your child will likely use the excuse that they are on break, and that they don't have to go to school the next day. Parents will likely hear their kid say, "Well I don't have to be up early tomorrow." No kid wants to be told what time they have to go to bed or be back in while on summer break. Mom and Dad, prep yourself now for this one because its coming!!!

3. Not Having Someone Over: Kids love to sleep over at a friend's house or have a friend over while out of school. The problem for parents during the summer months is that kids want to be with their friends every day of the week. Yet, parents can't entertain every night because of their work schedule or other daily/weekly obligations. But you can bank on it mom and dad, your child is coming with the question, "can ______ stay over tonight?" And its coming more often than you think.

2. Nothing To Eat In The House: Being that kids are alone for most of the day while their parents are out at work, kids can clean out a refrigator or pantry much like termites can wipe out a beam in your attic. When kids are bored and alone, they are on the computer and they are eating. Hence, parents can't keep the refrigerator and/or pantry stocked as their kid's may like. Therefore kids will often moan and groan about there not being anything to eat in the house. The best thing you can do to avoid this is to keep your kids busy while you are away. Otherwise, you can expect to hear this complaint the entire time your kids are off from school.

1. "Im Bored":  If I asked my parents what my biggest complaint was as a child during summer break, I'd venture to say that I shouted these two words more than once to them. Mom and Dad you will dream about your kids saying they are bored this summer if you don't give them something to do while you are away. While company is nice, it gets old and it gets old FAST!! Here is where summer camps can be your best friend. Enroll your kids into camps or activities that get them out of the house. You are allowing them to be entertained, interactive, and your getting them out of a boring enviornment. Sorry, but the computer and telephone won't entertain your child all summer long. If you don't want to hear "I'm bored" all summer, give them a reason to not say it.


I certainly hope that some of this helps you get through the summer. Remember, this is the time of year kids look forward to the most, make it memorable for them and most importantly, have fun with them. Have a Safe Summer, and remember to be as active as you can with your kid(s).

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