The World’s Tallest Basketball Player Slam Dunks With Ease [VIDEO]
When the Harlem Globetrotter's recently visited the Lafayette Cajun Dome, I was hoping to see this guy in action. Unfortunately, the world's tallest basketball player Paul Sturgess, "Tiny" is his nickname, was not present that night. "Tiny" stands at a whopping 7-feet-8-inches tall and weighs over 300 pounds!! The pride of Loughborough, England, Sturgess played basketball at West Virginia's Mountain State UniversityIn a recent video to go viral, watch as "Tiny" attacks the basket with authority and put very little effort in his vertical leap for the dunk. While most average players have to leap 2-3 feet to dunk the ball, "Tiny" barely has to even leave the floor. He didn't start playing basketball until he was 5-foot-6 at 14 years old.