With the wild weather we experience constantly in Louisiana, we don't know what season it's going to be each day. Sometimes the seasons even feel like they change in the span of just one day.

Summer 2022 officially will start on Tuesday, June 21. You never know what each day may hold. If you're missing summer because you enjoy warmer temperatures then you are going to like this story.

When summer comes, there are lots of things we might associate with this wonderful time. I know for me, hotter temperatures and summer, mean that there are hopefully many wonderful days to be had in a swimming pool, being lazy by the water. I'm not necessarily looking to bronze my skin, but I do enjoy soaking up some sun.

Images that are conjured up when I think of summer also include the beach, corn on the cob, watermelon, and popsicles melting in the sun.

Another thing that really makes me realize that summer is in full swing is the Fourth of July holiday when we all come together to celebrate our freedom and this great nation.

For many people, the months of June, July, and August mean time to themselves and their families when they are able to go on vacation.

Moms and dads work constantly for a better life for their children and themselves. Everyone in the family deserves a summer break.

To all of you, I hope that you do get some true relaxation and a little peace this summer!

Things That Remind Us Of Summer


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