It was just a normal day of paddle boarding for Luke Reilly, when an orca whale popped up and tried to get in on the fun!

I think orca's are awesome and, yeah, if I was a mermaid I'm pretty positive they would be my best friends. But, they are called "killer whales" for a reason and if one happened to surprise me out in the middle of the ocean I would most definitely be scared to the point of peeing my pants, or bathing suit.

Luke Reilly was just minding his own business and paddle-boarding off the coast of New Zealand when a orca decided it was play time. You can see the whale approach Luke's paddle board and even take a little nibble, but clearly the board didn't taste like seal so the playful little whale decided it was time to swim on out of there. Luke told 3NEWS "Someone said there's some orcas down the beach so I chucked the GoPro in my pocket because I had it surfing, I grabbed it thinking something might happen. I didn't think I'd get anything. Then this one bee-lined it for me." And according to Whale Rescue.Org orca's are naturally inquisitive with the co-founder, Floppy Halliday, adding "There’s no doubt they’re curious, they will spend a lot of time checking you out."


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