Tired of Mosquito Bites?—OFF! and Google May Be Able to Help
Wouldn’t it be nice to know what the mosquito situation looks like outside?
I think we can all admit that we have wondered how bad the mosquitos are going to be on a certain day. Maybe we thought about this because we had plans outside or just because we are tired of getting eaten alive by these pesky little creatures. Either way, sometimes it would be nice to know what those mosquitos are planning to do.
Well now, this is a real thing! OFF! Mosquito Repellant, Climate Engine, and Google Cloud have all teamed up to create a seven-day forecast of mosquito activity
All users have to do is go to the site and sign up to have the daily forecast emailed to them for free.
“The model combines three inputs – knowledge of a mosquito’s lifecycle, detailed climate data inputs, and mosquito population counts from over 5,000 locations provided by VectorBase,” states the forecast’s website. “To determine accuracy, our team spent 6 years checking the model’s results against live populations, generating 33 million data points. The results confirm model predictions match the reality on the ground.”
Mosquitos like a certain type of weather, it can't be too cold or too hot and the website's algorithm takes that into account to provide an accurate forecast of mosquito activity in your area.
A good thing to note is that mosquitos prefer to bite humans wearing red, orange, or black clothes. So if you are looking to avoid getting bites while you are outside you may want to stay away from those colors when planning your day. Also, be sure to take appropriate measures when outside and around mosquitos.