The Summer Olympics in Rio already has controversy, what with polluted waters for swimming events, no air conditioning at the Olympic Village, concerns over the Zika virus, and American soccer star Hope Solo getting booed at a match. Wait - did they say no air conditioning for the athletes? Wow. Just wow.

Well, it's no wonder that the United States Men's Basketball team will be staying 'off campus' on a cruise liner docked at Pier Maua. There are actually going to be two ocean liners docked, and they will house members of the Olympic Committee, a multi national company, and the American team in the 2,000 rooms available on board for each ship. No tourists will be allowed, and it is unclear where the American Women's basketball team is staying. We certainly hope they can find someplace cool!

The Rio Olympics will kick off with the opening ceremonies on Friday, August 5th, with 207 nations, 8,255 athletes, and 306 events in 27 different sports participating. Geaux Team USA!

****UPDATE***** We have just been informed that the US Women's Basketball team is also staying on the luxury cruise ship Silver Cloud for the duration of the Summer games.

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